When were they in their true form completely outrightly? When did you joke freely, and when did you laugh at yourself? . When did you meet without any pride? If you do not understand the answer, then this time openly celebrate Holi and laugh - include all these colors of happiness again in life. Laughing colors...Blooming mind...
Just a festival in the children's world
But nowadays these colors do not laugh. Now when I look down from my window, neither the dancing groups nor the singing can be heard, that the beat of the song coming from somewhere is such a desolation on the streets, as if the whole city is under curfew.
Even if Holi is played somewhere in the middle of all this, then under or in the park of the colony, in their respective buildings where all the people gather at a certain place at a certain time, performing that ritual in a certain way
. Yes, in the midst of all this, small children are definitely engaged in trying to have fun or they have bought gulal of many colors. They go and shower people with gulal, they are also coloring their uncles and aunts without any hesitation. Today, if there is a little festival left in the house, it is because of these small children, otherwise it would have turned into a ritual payment.
Why have we become like this?
When I think about it, the only reason I see is that we are not happy enough to share that happiness with anyone. Every person is lost in himself. It is that this condition of his has happened only while searching for happiness for himself and his loved ones. Today he has reached that position by working hard where his children are studying in the best schools. He has his own house, has a car, four people know him. Respect him. He has almost everything that he ever thought was necessary for a happy life. And this thing is starting to scare him too. He is starting to feel that his attention is not divided at all that this success and all the frills around him will slip from his hands, now what if he does, he does not want to give up his happiness and holds on to it, he cannot be happy.
Our relationships are the celebration of life
Harvard did a study on this matter. This is the longest research to date. Lasted for 75 years, in which 724 people participated. Youth of all sections were included, there were youths who had looted everything in World War II, in which there were also such people, one of whom later became the President of America. This was John F. Kennedy. All these young people were asked what do they need from their life to be happy?
Almost everyone's answer was either money or fame. Every two years after participating, they were sent a new quiz, had their medical tests, and recorded everything they were going through with their lives.
And the results that came were astonishing. Of these, only those people had a healthy and happy life, who gave importance to relationships. Relationship with your children, your spouse, your family, your neighborhood and your society. Those who have always had the feeling that they are not alone.
This realization acted as a protective shield for him. Not only did they remain happy, they were also mentally and physically healthy, which gave them a long life as a bonus. In such a situation, he was sure to succeed, as Vinoba Bhave says, 'You will not be happy if you are successful, you will be successful if you are happy.
' That's what Holi treats. It fills energy in relationships, creates new relationships, and puts cement in the weakening relationships. We break what is imprisoned in our own boundary wall. Reminds us that no one is small or big in belonging. That's why real Holi happens without any pomp and formality. Old clothes and gulal-dyed faces, all people look the same and there is no room for arrogance.
We are on this day as we really are. And this is what is necessary to connect with each other. That you meet as a human being and not as a cloaked or imposing personality.
Hesitate... Celebrate Holi....
So celebrate Holi with great pomp. This is not a common holiday that you should think of making some other program. This is the day of 'renewal' of relationships. Meet people, even those whom you have met for a long time, and especially those who are a little annoyed with you.
This is your chance and you too should be ready to meet, to agree. It is a matter of hesitation that whatever is in your mind, then these colors are for that. Rub them on each other in such a way that the scum of both of them gets removed, but not so that they start defaming Holi.
The use of solid colors and other such things to keep taking bath for the next hours, if the skin starts burning or it is allergic, it is not Holi. Nor is there a license to behave indecently. These things have put soot on the face of so many festivals, which in reality have the capacity to fill life with light.
So this time we have to destroy the prejudices along with Holika Dahan. We have to be so fresh that on the day of Dhulandi, we can return the colors to their laughter and derive happiness from them.